UVA - Hero Image


Francisco Tirado from Puerto Rico had the idea to help his fellow countrymen by giving them what Amazon was doing for the world.He believed that people, in today’s age of advanced connectivity should benefit from tech and get their needs met on a daily basis. He began with an app that delivered fast food but over a period of a few years it blossomed into a fleet.

UVA - Hero Laptop Widgets

Design Process

We assisted Tirado in his audacious goal- designing and shaping his idea in a tasteful, user-friendly app that can be used by all ages and generations.Uva! Is now a household name in Puerto Rico. In a country wrought with tornadoes and affected by the COVID-19 crisis in 2020. Uva! became integral to the survival of people who needed the help kits and amenities delivered to their doorstep.

UVA - Design Process Widgets

Customer Application

Detailed information about all order fulfillment. You can also track the location of the courier and contact them.With time stamps, tracking of your delivery, a huge array of items to choose from in different sections, hands-on customer care and driver feedback. The final customer was looked after thoroughly.

UVA - Hero Laptop Widgets
UVA - Place order Widgets
UVA - Market Stores
UVA - Market Stores

Web Application

We continuously and consistently interacted with Tirado’s team to create a fully responsive digital product.This was an app, in which we adapted the entire design system on different platforms to make it scalable and accessible. The web version of the app included everything from the app in a way that was different and similar at the same time.

UVA - Web App Laptop Widget
UVA - Web App Widgets

Driver Application

The driver app was curated to take care of the fleet working for Uva!Everything from data to GPS facility was constantly tweaked to make it as accessible as possible for the drivers so they don't face any snags along the delivery route.

UVA - Driver app widget
UVA - Order Accepted

Merchant Tablet

We created a tablet which allowed the front desk or kitchen at different restaurants to put out deliveries in a timely manner.The data was sequenced into three layered windows so that switching can be easier and info at multiple stages can be accessed. The clean design allowed quick work to be done and ensured smooth output processes.

UVA - Merchant Tablet
UVA - Order Management

Merchant Dashboard

We designed and developed a driver tracking system that was easily used by the management team at the very back end.This dashboard enabled everything to be managed quickly and efficiently. The stats clearly portrayed through infographic cards gave a visual representation. Infomration and help at the tips of their fingers.

UVA - Merchant Dashboard
UVA - Dashboard Details


